Explore these Letter F Activities and Printable Worksheets which aid in letter recognition, letter formation, letter sounds, as well as improve fine motor skills.

Cut And Paste Activity - Letter F Worksheets

Cutting and pasting activities are a fun way to improve fine motor skills as well as these activities are designed to teach association with the things that start with the letter and letter sounds. For younger children, cutting can be skipped; involve them in pasting.

  • Uppercase Letter F Activity Worksheet - F for Fish - Cut And Paste CraftF for Fish - Capital F
  • Letter F Cut And Paste Craft Activity Worksheet - Things That Start With Letter FThings That Start With F
  • Letter F Cut And Paste Craft Activity Worksheet - Family TreeFamily Tree
  • Letter F Cut And Paste Craft Activity Worksheet - F for FingerFinger Counting Activity
  • Lowercase Letter F Activity Worksheet - F for Flower - Cut And Paste Craftf for flower - Small f

Pom Pom Tracing Activity - Letter F Worksheets

A fun way to teach letter recognition and formation along with building up the fine motor skills.

You will need:
  • colorful buttons, pom-poms (small sized) or flat-bottom pebbles
  • a printout of below printables (preferrably laminated for reuse)
  • optional: small tongs


Put pom-poms, buttons or pebbles on the circles in the worksheet to form the letter. You can use some specific color pom-poms to combine color identification in the activity. Ask child to use tongs to pick and place the pom-poms to improve fine-motor skills.

  • Uppercase Letter F Worksheet And Activity For Preschool - Pom Pom TracingUppercase F
  • Lowercase Letter F Worksheet And Activity For Preschool - Pom Pom TracingLowercase f

Mystery Letters Activity- Letter F Worksheets

This activity improves letter recognition and fine-motor skills.

You will need:
  • crayons
  • a printout of below printables

Get the little spy work on finding the mystery letter hidden in the grid. Shade all the boxes containing the mentioned letter and discover the mystery letter.

  • Mystery Letter Preschool Activity - Letter F WorksheetCapital F
  • Mystery Letter Preschool Activity - Uppercase Letter F WorksheetCapital F
  • Mystery Letter Preschool Activity - Lowercase Letter F WorksheetSmall f


Picture Matching Activity - Letter F Worksheets

Worksheets to match the pictures which are same or similar.

  • Letter F Worksheet - Picture Matching Activity For PreschoolPicture Matching

Maze Activity - Letter F Worksheet

Mazes are a valuable learning tool which improves cognitive though processes and enhances problem solving skills.

  • Letter F Maze Activity Worksheet For Preschool - F for Fish MazeFish Maze

Prewriting Skills - Letter F Worksheets

These worksheets aim to improve prewriting skills using line tracing and curve tracing.

  • Letter F Worksheet And Activity For Preschool - F for FrogLine Tracing


Miscellaneous (Coloring/Stamping/Painting) Activities - Letter F Worksheets

Get ready with the paints, crayons and stamps to have some hands-on activities for letter F.

  • Letter F Worksheet - Letter Recognition Activity For Preschool - F For FoxLetter Hunt (F For Fox)
  • Letter F Worksheet - Uppercase and Lowercase Recognition Activity For PreschoolCapital vs Small F

Playdough Letter Tracing Activity - Letter F Worksheets

Clicking the below images will take you to Rainbow Writing Printables page (where you can download/print them). These Rainbow Writing worksheets double as Playdough Letter Tracing Activity Printables. Roll playdough and fill in the letter outlines to form the letter. This helps in letter recognition and formation.

  • Playdough Letter Tracing - Rainbow Writing - Capital F WorksheetCapital F
  • Playdough Letter Tracing - Rainbow Writing - Small f WorksheetSmall f
  • Playdough Letter Tracing - Rainbow Writing - Capital/Small F WorksheetCapital & Small F