Looking for Number Flashcards for your child? Flashcards are a simple, versatile, yet often under-utilized learning resource. Use our free printable Number Flashcards for numbers 1-10 and 1-20 to make your own sets.
How to Make Number Flashcards?Take a print out (preferably on card stock) and cut along the dotted lines. You can then laminate the individual number flashcards and they will even last longer.
Number Flashcards 1-10
Number Flashcards 1-20
Number Flashcards 1-10
These number flashcards are ideal for teaching counting and numbers, 1-10 to your child. Each flashcard shows a number, number name and corresponding objects for counting.
Number Flashcards 1-20
These number flashcards have big bold animal theme numbers (1-20) on each flashcard for easy number recognition.