Do I need to login to use the worksheets?
All our worksheets are free for personal/educational use, with no login required.

I am teacher. Can I use your worksheets?
Yes, our worksheets are free for any personal/educational use. However, please note you cannot upload/mirror the worksheets on any public website. All the worksheets are intended to be used without any modification. Please read our terms and conditions before use.

How to download/print worksheets?
To download or print our worksheets:

  • Open in your browser.
  • Browse through the menu to choose from our wide collection of worksheets.
  • Click on the thumbnail in order to open the worksheets in full size. You will see Print and Download buttons at the bottom of the screen.
  • If you wish to print a single worksheet or just a few, You can click on Print button. The printer settings would open. Make sure to choose A4 paper size. And, just print.
  • If you however wish to print multiple worksheets, you can use download button to first download all the worksheets one by one. Use left and right navigation to browse through worksheets of the same category. Once you are done with downloading all your worksheets, go to the location where you downloaded them. Select them all and Print altogether.

How do I reach for help?
For quick resolution of any queries, you can contact us on our official FB page. Or, you can contact us via email.

I found a mistake on one of the worksheets. How to report the same?
We strive to make all our worksheets as accurate as possible, however mistakes do happen! If you notice any problem with any of our worksheets, you can report it via our official FB page or email. We would try to resolve it as quickly as possible.